Software to Type in Hindi
You will require to download and install a small software from [Google Transliteration].
Google Transliteration IME is currently available for 14 different languages -Arabic, Bengali, Farsi (Persian), Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. Just select language of your choice.
After downloading and installing the software you will see a small floating IME toolbar at your desktop .

This toolbar will let you switch between typing mode Hindi or English.
Now wherever you want to enter Hindi (हिन्दी) switch to Hindi mode using the toolbar and keep typing that word in English. Google transliteration software will automatically convert it to Hindi. [ हिन्दी में लिखना काफी आसान हो गया है. ]

In Windows Live Writer

In MS-Word 2007

Google Search
Above are some of the examples where Google Transliteration IME is used to enter text in Hindi language in different applications.
How to type in Hindi online?
In case you don't know hindi typing you can use hindi typing online tool to convert English to Hindi. You simply need to keep typing hindi text using English and this tool will convert the text in Hindi automitally. Visit English To Hindi typing webite. Google Hindi Typing Tool
Thank you for your kind help Geekonweb by Jitesh for any help my friends you also contact me on my e-mail id
Hi.. The google transliteration software rocks. Thank u so much for ur valuable input.
Hi! Ive downloaded The Google transliteration, but still havent been to start to type...m kinda lost as in where to start and how...and everytime I click on Googlemarathi icon on my shows its downloading again!
please help,
नंदिनी, just press "left alt+shift" keys together (after you have downloaded the Google transliteration should see a mini languange toolabar in your status bar...under the desktop) और आप हिंदी में टाइप कर सकते हैं. Press "lest alt+shift key again to switch back to english again.....All the best.
Thanks नंदिनी .. your tip is really very convenient and easy to use.
Yes this works, but can some one explain me how to write nandini as you have written by anonymous on august 20 that is small ee ki matra how to write it...
lovely tool..i love you google
hello Nandini
mani ye softwere to load kar liya hai per ye chal nahi raha hai ..
please help mee
sachin sharma
NANITAL 9917477680
बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद. यह में जो लिख रहा हू वो आपकी इस हेल्प से पूरा हो सका हैं .
thank you very much for helping out a difficulty for and it is the best way to type in Hindi.
Its great! thankyou! :)
vineet-- thanks! its easy 2 use n its helpful.
thanks for telling this i appreciate your effort sir
Awesome.. Thanx a million.
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